Here are some of my thoughts about teaching.
I love teaching at the Newhouse School. I am as surprised as anyone that a young woman interested initially only in public relations, now looks back on a career in public relations, then newspaper and freelance journalism, followed by TV news. Then it was off to Newhouse! Now I’ve teaching longer than the rest of my jobs combined. Teaching is a true passion.
I teach nearly all the courses in the Broadcast and Digital Journalism Department and several media law courses, COM 505 (Com Law for Journalists, undergraduate), COM 408 (Communications Law for Advertising and Public Relations) and COM 698 (Media Law, masters students).
For the past academic year, I’ve taught BDJ 204, News in a Multimedia World; COM 408, Communications Law for Advertising and PR; BDJ 311, Broadcast and Digital News Writing,and BDJ 364 Radio and Digital News Reporting. In Fall, 2014, I will be teaching BDJ 204 again and one of the communication law courses.